The Hitchhiker’s Guide to lose a guy

A friend of mine who is a dab hand at talking non stop about the evils of arranged marriages once asked me – “How will you know a girl in a ten minutes meeting? Look at me. If a guy comes to see me, will he ever come to know in those ten minutes that the pitch of my scream can put a professional soprano to shame?”

This left me in a state of (men)tation. How easy is it for the girls to lose a guy whom they don’t like at all OR whom they have overgrown. Its not hard really. Come to think of me, any girl can lose me in seconds. There are certain traits I completely abhor and you just have to provide my senses a tinge of them to make me lower your scores. So, to extend the olive branch of chivalry to all the damsels in distress who are dying to free themselves from the clutches of an unwanted relationship, I present the Hitchhiker’s Guide to lose a guy and in turn I would like the damsels to consider me as an option. (* Conditions apply)

Here is a list of certain “types” of girls which the guys(generally) can’t stand.

The Laughter Queen : Some girls are just too loud. Just crack a joke and their laughter will wake up the dead. Guys hate such girls. A girl’s laughter should be a sweet, syrupy, melodic vibrations of the vocal chords which should remind one of tinkling wind chimes. So just go HAHAHAHA in a quite place like a restaurant or a theatre and you won’t find the guy near you the next time.

The Emotive cow : Guys hate women who cry at the drop of hat. You just have to get extra emotional on spotting a poor puppy snooping around in a garbage dump or ask the guy to go out and get some extra tissues while you cry while watching an emotional movie while he never wanted to see in the first place. Also when he forgets to call you at 12 am to say “Good Night sweety pie” because there was a cricket match, just call him up the next morning and start crying and ask him at least ten times whether he loves you or not. That will do the trick.

The Disinclined irritant : Argue. Belittle. Hesitate. Fight. Just say no to everything he chooses. “How is this shirt?” “Gross!!!” “How do you like these earrings for yourself?” “Are you crazy!!(give him the are-you-crazy look)” “Chaat?” “Dimsums.” Guys don’t like it for too long when someone argues like this. I hate it too. 😀

The Too much Career oriented : Start giving the guy an impression that you can go to any extend to have a successful career. Even if it means going abroad, marrying late or higher studies. Very soon you will see the beads of panic on his head. Guys hate girls who are over ambitious and if he says that all the goals of a successful career can be achieved after marriage also, give him that are-you-crazy look again splashed with a spoonful of you-must-be-kidding look. 😉

The tee-hee-hee : This is a hard one to explain. Some girls are just too “girly”, if you can understand that. They would go “ouch” even if their finger brushes a wall, they would go “Wow” when all they have seen is a squirrel climbing a tree and they would go “Oh my God” when the car hits a tinywiny bump on the road which no one else would have noticed. Such girls consider themselves to be too sensitive to their surroundings and will always laugh with a hand on their lips which appears magically as soon as the lips are parted. This is one category which irritates me to no ends.

The Heroine : This category is very similar to the tee-hee-hees with a major difference. They are faking it. Tee-hee-hees are genuine tee-hee-hees. They can’t help it. But Heroines are fake tee-hee-hees. This is the hardest category to be and you have to be really good to get this one right. I have known one girl who was an expert in this and believe me you can’t do it better than her.

The Flirt : Who likes a girlfriend who flirts with other boys and compare you with them? But Beware!! Trying to achieve your goal by being a flirt may lead to confrontations. This is the easiest way performance-wise but things might get really murky later on. I would suggest that you start with the other categories and keep this as a last resort.

The Lady-In-Charge : Guys like it when a girl is submissive and let the guy take on all the worldly responsibilities like talking to the auto-driver, buying movie tickets, ordering the meals, paying the bills and asking for directions. So if you really want to piss off the guy, just don’t let him do all this. Take charge of the situation and make him stand in the background while you deal with the big bad world.

The Tulsi(Family worshipper) : Bore the guy with minute details about your family. From your sister’s toothache to your mom’s sudden change in her hair stylist to your brother’s weird choice of underwear colours, tell him everything. And, when he starts to tell you about his own family, just cut him off in-between and start blabbering about your family again. Believe me, he will hang himself in two days.

The lesbian : Of course, if you are in a real hurry and can’t breathe in the guy’s presence, go ahead and tell him that you are a Lesbian. Tell him that you fantasise Bipasha and had a steady girlfriend sometime back and you were just experimenting with the poor guy. Run away before he starts crying.

So, ladies, these are the sure shot techniques to get rid of undesirable men because eligible bachelors like me are fed up of their life which suck big time because of lack of a girlfriend. When you are free and in want of an exclusive boyfriend, you know where to mail to get the mobile number. 😉

* To get me as your boyfriend, you must not belong to any of the above mentioned categories. Thenks.

71 comments on “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to lose a guy

  1. 😀 quite interesting !!
    Although I’ve heard these things from you in many situations but it was good to read it all at one place… a good laugh 🙂
    and….. you’ll not leave a single chance to pinpoint a few people !!

  2. Brilliant post 😀 I’m already categorizing so many girls in these categories. No self reflection though 😉 im going to send this post’s link to a bunch of my friends!

  3. Nice post and I am sure that lot of guys will scold you their level best if they know that their girl friends ditched them because of this post 🙂 How I never heard at any time about this from you ? I have to ask Atipriya when you used to mention this topic as she told somany times 😉

  4. Haha, that was cool. Does the ‘tee-hee-hee’ also include those who send ‘good morning’ emails every morning 😛 with a bunch of flowers or puppies or something they would term ‘aww so cute’?

  5. OMG Amit, that was quite a list 😯

    And i agree with manoj, at this rate you will not find a single girl for you!! 😛 😛

    Nonetheless, the post is hilarious 😆

  6. beauty man….what a topic….n what stuff u hav written…………………..very nice, thoughtful in terms of categorizing the girls, hilarious in terms of their description…..n the whole idea of penning this down is innovative..

    well I didn’t understantnd that (men)tation stuff???
    well I do not know much girls who fall in such categories….!! so 80% is far too ahead ..such % would be 50 or sumthing! 🙂

  7. Good post Amit and gulp gulp I better not laugh in your presence, even if I am not in line! Don’t want to make a bad impression! 😀

    Also, beware Amit, of the big faults. I guess you won’t know until you are hit with them. 😀

    Well. I think now you could do a post on what you think irritates women about guys. That would be interesting.

  8. 100% true….come 2 think of it even i cant stand girls with qualities 1,2,3,5 and 6….. 😡 it really pisses me off so i can well imagine wat guys must feel… :mrgreen: BTW awesome compilation…must have been hard work 😉

  9. @Perx : 80%? My dear lad, it sums up 98% of them. 😐 Thanks anyways. 🙂

    @Lallopallo : Yeah that’s what I was telling him. 🙂 Karni hai. Compromise karna padega thoda sa. 😦

    @Atipriya : Yes. I have bored you a lot with all those descriptions. 🙂 And, I love to pinpoint her. She was a masterpiece. 🙂

    @Ottayan : Yeah. I know. 😦

    @Shivya : Thanks. Oh! I thought I will get a few swear words ^%$^$^$ from the female readers. But, seems that there is still hope. 🙂

    @Vijaya Bharat : But I shall be having a girlfriend by then. 🙂 Yes, I used to bore Atipriya a lot by blabbering about all these categorizations. 🙂

    @Manoj : Thanks and now let’s be a little optimistic. Its tax free. 🙂

    @Priyank : No. I think emails won’t count. Come to think of it, I know guys who do that. 😐

    @Vishesh : Yes. You are right. This was just tongue in cheek. 🙂

    @Sakhi : Thanks. 🙂 As I told Manoj, let’s be a little optimistic. Its tax free.

    @Lively : There is no hint. I am screaming from the rooftops. I NEED A GF!!

  10. @Abha : Thanks. Well, mentation means thinking. And 50%??? On which planet are you living?? 😛

    @Liju Philip : That’s too less. 😛 I have never met a lesbian woman. Sexual preferences of people don’t matter to me, so yes, you must be right.

    @Dinu : Thanks.

    @Scorpia : Oh! First girl to take the bait!! *Rubs hands in anticipation* 😀

    @Maddie : Not if they belong to none of the mentioned categories.

    @Dinesh : Even I know people who laugh out loud. Its perfectly ok with me but sometimes we have to consider the place and situation. And, yes please go ahead with your post.

    @Nita : You can laugh out loud. As I have told Dinesh, we have to be a little considerate about the place and situation. Yes, big faults! The gamble! That is life! I think the other way round post should be done by someone else. Dinesh is proposing to do so.

    @Den Relojo : Some girls overdo it. That gets irritating after sometime.

    @Smita : Thanks. The post is just for laughs. 😀

    @Riddhima : Thanks. Hard work? It was very easy. The thoughts were there from a long time.

  11. haha ….its a funny post…but nice one 🙂
    and lesbo. types…….amit give it a thought do you really want one from this category? 🙂 😀 😀

    and i have commented on your delhi post….you can now check it out 🙂

  12. you sound like a despo!! LOL
    Here I grant my blessings to you.. may you get a GF who doesn’t belong to any of these categories. But don’t blame me if it doesn’t turn out to be actually a girl! :)) haha

  13. You have written a very interesting and long post about the girls you can’t stand. Now you should write about the type of girls you like. It would be a very short and sweet post I am sure because you don’t have many choices left. I am curious to know about the types of girls you haven’t included in your last.

  14. Hmmm… 😛 I am stumped… totally 😀

    Why dont u make a list of all the things you do like in women!! But from this, your kind of woman certainly cant be found on earth 😉

  15. You should consult me before writing guides!! 😀
    You have left out soooo many obvious things, dude! How can you write a post like this one without the Love Guru’s consultation!? 😀

  16. That is hilarious. And ‘Tee-Hee-Hee’ is there a word like that or you just coined it? Whatever the origin, it is perfect for the kind you have used it for 🙂

  17. @Arpit : Thanks. 🙂 I would be fine with a Lesbian friend. I don’t think that’s an issue. 🙂

    @Lively : Hahaha. 🙂 I think I have to write a post explaining the kind of girls I like.

    @Pr3rna : Yes yes. All of you are forcing me to do that by being so pessimistic. 😀

    @Shefaly : Don’t be so pessimistic. Have hope for me. 🙂

    @Nova : 🙂 Yes, I will definitely make that list.

    @Nikhil : This is without any outside consultation. Straight from the heart. 🙂

    @Priti : Thanks. 🙂

    @Rachana : Yes. That is actually a word. Google it. 🙂

  18. Interesting. And somehow I dont find it hilarious.
    “Guys like it when a girl is submissive and let the guy take on all the worldly responsibilities like talking to the auto-driver, buying movie tickets, ordering the meals, paying the bills and asking for directions”

    I feel there is a generalization from u on about all guys…But I have personal experience in the matter that there are some guys who are not this egoistic and like the girl to take charge once in a while. For example I’m always the one to order meal be it in group or a date. I don’t ask for it..people just tend to give me the menu card.
    I think there should be a balance in taking charge issue and I for one would be suffocated in a relation where guy wants to be the caretaker always due to his inflated ego.

  19. Hahahaa…good ones…
    I loved the way you’ve put “Tee-Hee-Hee” along…

    Amit, I don’t think you’ll ever find a girl if you demand such requirements !! No girl can do without any of the things at one point or the other…!! 😀

  20. oh be it gay or lesbian …….i too dont have any problem after all its a matter of an individual choice………..i was talking in terms of a long term relationship 🙂

  21. can u do me a favor? if anyone sweet, cute, girl not belonging to any of the categories above approaches u after u get engaged with a similar one, plz consider me as a potential candidate. simply sayin, i too am single and wud be hapy with ur help… 😛 wt say?

  22. @Strawberrymargaritas : Thanks. Glad that you liked it. 🙂

    @Shefaly : So am I supposed to be blown off in the storms of the Second circle of hell? 😦

    @Reema : Its just a fun post so don’t take it seriously. I won’t say that I dislike all the types I have mentioned. That’s why the line – Here is a list of certain “types” of girls which the guys(generally) can’t stand.
    Personally, I don’t like submissive girls at all. I think, I have to write a post soon about the kind of girls I like. 😀

    @Priya : Thanks Priya. 🙂 Sometimes it is fine. But I can’t stand a “tee-hee-hee” girl of long. 😦

    @Lively : Yesssss. I will write it soon. 🙂

    @Arpit : Well…of course not. But friendship will be just fine. 🙂

    @Scorpria : Oops! I always thought it was Scorpia. It sounded like a Marvel comic’s superhero’s name. 🙂 How did you get this name?

    @Su : Sure! Deal!

  23. Lol, you’re pretty right. I wouldn’t mind the girl in control though. I’ve always had fantasy of sitting on a scooter or something with the girl driving because I myself hate driving. 😛

    But then again, who knows it might get annoying later.

  24. Reema, nowadays I can read your mind! I knew you wouldn’t like this post! Amit was pretty brazen wasn’t he….and hey Amit, if Nikhil writes such a post no one takes him seriously. But you are the serious one aren’t you?

  25. @Wasshappening : Thanks. But it was not meant to be taken that way. 🙂 Guess I have to put a follow up post soon.

    @Ish : I have actually done that. I sat behind one of my friend on her scooty. It was fun. 🙂

    @Nita : When I was writing the post, I was sure that all the girls would kill me. 🙂 But then it was fun thinking all that up. But I think I should write a post about the kind of girls I really like, just as everyone is suggesting. Although it won’t be this long. 🙂

  26. @Amit: This post was fun and so were the comments. Though I must say I personlly know guys who would love to let me take charge. Sometimes its essential. Guy is parking his car, and I get the tickets or resrve the table. I would happily give the privelege of haggling with auto drivers to guys 😉

  27. lol, the tee-hee-hee is hilarious! 😀 i don’t need your guide to lose a guy because i’ve been doing it very well all by myself… even when i don’t want to, haha!

  28. Pingback: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to lose a Girl « 18,000 RPM

  29. umm don’t know whether i agree …

    either my man aint a man or what you said isn’t really true at all ;p


    1. im career-mad
    2. im a total flirt
    3. im always the lady in charge

    and my husband i’d say is

    1. secure with himself
    2. secure with himself
    3. secure with himself

  30. Pingback: Nominations So Far… « Visceral Observations

  31. @Poonam : Thanks. 🙂 The post was just for fun. I hope you didn’t take it seriously. 🙂 Yes what you are saying is true and that is how it should be. I hate submissive girls.

    @Sulz : 🙂 Yes, you are doing very well. I agree. 😛

    @Roop : Don’t agree. Just read, laugh and have fun. This is just for laughs. 🙂

  32. ha 1 thanks for the information dude! Luckily i don’t fall in any of these category! 😀
    n boys seriously dont like laughter queens …have heard frns complaining the same about their gfs :mrgreen:

  33. @Allirekha : You are very lucky if you don’t fall in any of the categories. 😛

    @Nimmy : Thanks. 🙂 And that’s fine. I hope you didn’t end up like Allirekha. 😉

    @Ender : Yes!!! I have to write another post for that. I wonder how long that post will be. 🙂 Why is your blog password protected?

  34. Pingback: Final List of Nominated Posts « Visceral Observations

  35. Basically you wish that your girl is quiet, no career, not sensitive, no crying, no responsibilities! Whew! it sounds like what you really want is a lazy man!

  36. Pingback: The Hitchhikers guide to a sane life « Mashed Musings

  37. I’m using the picture of the woman crying for a music video, if that’s all right. I’ll post a link to the video when I finish. It is the song “Take Time to Be Holy.”

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