
Blogging was a journey which I started with just a sole motto of sharing the world inside me. On the road, I found many friends, I found thoughts which never occurred to me, I found point of views which changed me as a person and I found acceptance. Awards was something which was never on my mind, but yes, I must not deny that getting them was an exhilarating and pleasant experience. The page is a “thank you” to all those who thought me worthy of any award or recognition.


Awarded by Su



Awarded by Nita


Awarded by Reema


Awarded by Smita and Vishesh


Awarded by Smita and Vishesh

Avant Grade Bloggies Awards – 2008

most-interesting-personal-rant-copyMost Interesting personal rant : The Burning Taxi and the Eggless Mob

best-current-affairs-post-copyBest Current Affairs post :  Raping Bonanza in Orissa

best-satirical-post-copyBest Satirical PostDelhi Bomb Blasts: A Pigeons View

best-visual-post-copyBest visual post :  Paintings

most-informative-post-copyMost Informative Post(link blogging) :  Invisible Dimensions

most-insane-copyMost Insane PostThe Hitchhikers Guide to Lose A Guy

most-interesting-sidebar-copyMost Interesting sidebar

best-about-me-copyBest About Me

most-humorous-post-copyMost Humorous Post(Runner up) Matrimonially Yours


Friendship Embracelet by Kiran


The Garland Award by Kanagu and Reema



Awarded by Nita,KanaguAparReema and Vimmuuu





Awarded by Arpit

Blogo laureate2

Awarded by Archie


Awarded by Reema

Isle of Wight trip

Awarded by Rashid

Awarded by Ricky

19 comments on “Awards

  1. @Exuvia : Thanks. 🙂 I think we are talking about two different things. Tags will be certain posts which other bloggers have done and they want you to do a similar post putting in your thoughts or experiences on the same topic.
    I think you are talking about something else. 🙂

    @Preeti : Yeah! Finally! 🙂 I am surprised myself as I am so lazy! 🙂 Thanks!

So, you were saying?